Consequences of US Military intervention in Afghanistan
Resolution of the Conference
Consequences of US Military intervention in Afghanistan
On the occasion of 20th anniversary of US intervention
October 9, 2021, The Netherlands
The Federation of Afghan Resident Organizations in Europe (FAROE) held the online conference “Consequences of U.S. Military intervention in Afghanistan” on October 9, 2021. The conference was attended by independent personalities and representatives of Afghan organizations residing in Europe. After hearing the speeches on the background of intervention, developments after the fall of the Taliban, improvements in legal and social areas, and the failure of the United States and NATO, the in leaving behind a stable country, this resolution was issued in three parts in agreement with the participants:
A: Situation analysis
1. Afghanistan and Afghans seem to once again fall victim to major global political and strategic games.
2. Unfortunately, the policy of the proxy wars of regional and trans-regional countries still remains with the same strength and potansil of generating conflicts.
3. The pretext of the war on terror not only failed to eliminate terror and terrorism, but even strengthened radicalism, drove some youth into the trap of fundamentalism, produced more violence, and strengthened regional militant fundamentalist groups.
4. The 20-year presence of the United States and NATO in the region, further paved the way for the use of proxies, that ultimately placed the operators of proxy wars in the position of winnar, champion and more fearless in waging proxy wars.
5. Direct interventions by the United States and the West in Afghan politics, particularly the export of so-called Western orieted technocracy, accelarated corruption and bad governance, and led the country to current tragedy.
6. Widespread corruption in the system and the growth and support of the culture of impunity in the country brought the shaky system formed in the past twenty years to the abyss of such a fate.
7. Despite having a security and strategic agreement with Afghanistan, contrary to the provisions of this strategic agreement, the United States, signed Doha Agreement with the Taliban and other NATO member States approved it. The West actually turned its back on the values they claimed to stand for. The Doha agreement actually handed over to the Taliban, every thing they needed to take over the power in Afghanistan.
B: Current situation and measures required:
- All stakeholders in issues concerning Afghanistan believe that the country is facing severe poverty and famine. Any kind of procrastination at this period will cause a great human catastrophe in the country, for which all involved sides will be responsible.
- People familiare with the Taliban’s behaviour are in distrust of the Taliban’s system and their government, as well as the sincerity of donor countries. Eliminating this incredtience requires humane and honest action, as well as a review of past misguided policies. This can only be achieved by global and multilateral commitments.
- The fate of religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities is a matter of concern. There is a possibility of severe threats and even unpredictable crisis of crimes against humanity, given the Taliban’s hardline and narrow-minded policies towards minorities. Preventive, comprehensive and common global measures are needed.
- Afghanistan needs more democratic minded patriotic political movements than ever before. Supporting the creation of these moveents can help full the vacuum of people’s political representation in negotiations to determine their political destiny.
- The Taliban have revived the human rights crisis of the 80’s and 90’s by reducing freedom of expression to attack on journalists and depriving women and girls of their fundamental rights. The exclusion of women and girls from work and education will faster the move of the country to disasterous poverty and social distress. This should be prevented with all necessary measures.
C: Destiny of the people and the country
- The experience of the past five decades of war shows that the country needs a fundamental change in the political structure. Referring to the Constitution of Constitutional Monarchy (1964) after the Bonn Conference (2001)and most recently by the Taliban authorities, indicates that in order to achieve peace and preserve the country’s territorial integrity, Afghans need to redefine the structure and framework of authority.
- The experiences of the past five decades continue to show that the people want a legitimate system based on the will and the vote of the people. This legitimacy must be inclusive, reliable and guaranteed by clear structures.
- The People of Afghanistan need welfare services. The records of civil society movements over the past 20 years is full of people’s demand for prosperity. Welfare in the country is possible when a legitimate system based on justice, transparancy and equality of citizen governs the country.
- Afghanistan’s geo-politics and geo-economy still remains the same as before the end of the Cold War in the 1980s. The intensification of insecurity and the duration of war in this region still endangers the entire world. Measures are need to be taken to end the war. In the mean time, to compensate the mistakes of the past 20 years, all countries around the world should support Afghans in building a developed and secure Afghanistan. Their investment should be coordinated with a comprehensive understanding of the strategic objectives of global development and the participation of regional countries in the programme.
- History bears witness that in this land, no authoritarian and protectorate government has been able to survive. Any persistence in appropriation and ignorance of others in power will make the people stand up and the war will last. It is necessary for countries in the region to stand with the People of Afghanistan before the flames of this war burn their skirts.
Federation of Afghan Resident Organizations in Europe (FAROE)