روز جهانی پناهندگان و نامهٔ فارو به اتحادیهٔ اروپا!

روز جهانی پناهندگان و نامهٔ فارو به اتحادیهٔ اروپا!

هژدهم جون ۲۰۲۴

امسال، بنا به تصمیم مؤسسهٔ ملل متحد، روز جهانی پناهندگان «برهمبستگی با پناهندگان متمرکز است – به سوی جهانی که در آن از پناهندگان استقبال می شود. پناهندگان اکنون بیش از هر زمان دیگری به همبستگی دول امن جهان نیاز دارند. همبستگی به معنای باز نگه داشتن درهای ما، تجلیل از نقاط قوت و دستاوردهای آنها و تأمل در چالش های پیش روی آنهاست». تعین «همبستگی با پناهندگان» بحیث شعار روز جهانی پناهنده تصادفی نبوده و برای مقابله با تبلیغات پناهنده ستیزانهٔ احزاب راست افراطی که متأسفانه بربخشی

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Open Letter to General Munir, Chief of Staff of the Army of Pakistan

Open Letter to General Munir, Chief of Staff of the Army of Pakistan

January 27, 2024

His Excellence Mr. General Asem Munir,

As per the Express Tribune, in a gathering of students from civil and military universities, you made hostile remarks against Afghanistan by claiming that “Pakistan has provided bread to 5 million Afghan migrants for 50 years.” Because your derogatory insinuation is directed towards Afghan migrants and, in reality, all the people of Afghanistan, the Federation of Afghan Organizations in Europe feels obligated to refute your claim based on historical facts.

Before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as a …

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Urgent Appeal to Address Human Rights Violations Against Women and Girls in Kabul

The Hague, 8 Januari 2024


European Union

Dear Mr. Josep Borrell-Fontelles

I am writing this letter with deep concern and urgency regarding the alarming situation in Kabul, where …

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بحران بی پناهی پناهجویان افغان و وضع فاجعه بارحقوق بشر در افغانستان

دبشری حقونو د نړیواله ورځ به مناسبت د فارو کلنی اروپایی کنفرانس
بحران بی پناهی پناهجویان افغان و وضع فاجعه بارحقوق بشر در افغانستان
شنبه ۹ دسمبر۲۰۲۳ ساعت ۶ شام
کنفرانس بګونه آنلاین برگزارمیگردد. لینک زوم به اسرع وقت ارسال میگردد

داکتر زمان ستانیزی
محترمه خانم ملکه هاشمی
محترمه خانم بلقیس روشن
داکتر محمد اسحاق اتمر
داکتر ممد هاشم دانش
استاد کریم پیکار پامیر

بحران حقوق بشر در کشور و علل مهاجرت جمعی مردم از أفغانستان
مشکلات پناهندگان افغانستان در منطقه، ایران، پاکستان و ترکیه، چه باید کرد؟
مشکلات پناهندگان افغان در اروپا و وظایف ما
بحران حقوق زنان و …

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FAROE’s annual European conference

FAROE’s annual European conference on the occasion of World Human Rights Day

Deportation challenges and human rights crisis in Afghanistan
Saturday 9th of December 2023, 18.00h
The conference will be held online.

Dr. Zaman Stanizai
Mrs. M. Hashemi
Ms. Bilqis Roshan
Dr. M. Eshaq Atmar
Dr. Moh. Hashem Danesh

Mr. Karim Paikar Pamir

  • The human rights crisis in the country and the reasons for the mass migration of people from Afghanistan.
  • The challenges faced by Afghan refugees in the region (Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey) What we can do about it.
  • Problems of Afghan refugees in Europe and our responsibilities .
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Head of EU External Action Services(EEAS)

Leiden, 4 November 2023

To: European Union

T.a.o:Cabinet of His Excellency Mr. Josep Borrell-Fontelles head of EU External Action Services(EEAS)

Subject: Urgent Appeal to Prevent the Deportation of Afghan Refugees from Pakistan

Dear His Excellency Mr. Josep Borrell-Fontelles head of EU External Action Services (EEAS),

I am writing to you on behalf of the Federation of Afghan Resident Organizations in Europe (FAROE) to urgently request your intervention and assistance in addressing a critical humanitarian issue. As of November 1, 2023, Pakistan has initiated the forcible deportation of 1.7 million documented and undocumented Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan. This action has …

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Situation of Afghanistan 2 years after Taliban takeover


Situation of Afghanistan

2 years after Taliban takeover

15 August 2023

The US-Taliban Doha agreement and subsequent unconditional US withdrawal, alongside the chronic failure of the then ruling Afghan politicians to fight corruption, establish the rule of law and unite for saving the country, resulted to the second takeover by the Taliban two years ago. Islamic republic is replaced by the theocracy of a militant group upholding the most severe interpretation of Sharia. Foreign troops left, but even in the absence of them and the rhetoric of the Taliban over independence, the covered influence of some neighbors on the …

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FAROE Letters UNHCR Refugee Day 2023


Mr. Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt

The Hague, 19/June/2023

Subject: International Refugee Day 2023 and the situation of Afghan Refugees

Dear Sir,

This year, the World Refugee Day focuses on the power of inclusion and solutions for refugees. The tagline of this day as it is determined by the UNHCR is:  “Hope away from Home. A world where refugees are always included”.

The subject of your focus points for 2023 is on itself fine humane and appraisable but unfortunately  a big part of refugees in the World are too 
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8th March, Mrs. F. Ahadi

Sent by representative of FAROE member Organization in Norway, Mrs. F. Ahadi

Knowledge without action is wasted, action without knowledge is stupidity­

                                                                                                                                       Imam Ghazali (1058-1111)     

Although this quote was written down in the 12th century, it is just as relevant today.

In relation to 8th March 2023, I would like to bring into focus Ghazali’s wise words, as it is important to find a balance between action and knowledge. So I want to look at this in connection to the oppression of women in the long war in Afghanistan.

“With every regime change, women should be careful” – this …

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To invest in people, prioritize education


To invest in people, prioritize education

The International Day of Education is dedicated to girls and women In Afghanistan. UNESCO is calling for the immediate lifting of the ban restricting their access to education. The main message of this day to the World is: “to invest in people, prioritize education”.  

 FAROE appreciates dedication of this day to Afghan women and girls. As this shows that United Nations have not forgotten Afghan girls and women, deprived from the right to education and work, by the current Afghan authorities. As we write this words, a United Nations high …

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