His Execllency Mr. J. Biden, president of United States of America

The Hague, 23 February 2022,

His Execllency Mr. J. Biden, president of United States of America,

With House, Washtington DC

His Execllency Mr. J. Biden

From the start of 20th century, Afghan kingdom kept gold, bonds and currency in the US Federal Reserve Bank as back up for Afghan currency (Afghani). The amount of which grew higher during the last two decades. A remarkable amount of current assets came from foreign exchange funds that accumulated over the past 20 years. Half a billion of it is deposits of the ordinary Afghans and businessmen trusted by commercial banks …

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<<ترجمهٔ نامهٔ فارو به رئیس پارلمان اروپا بمناسبت <<روز های زنان افغان

<<ترجمهٔ نامهٔ فارو به رئیس پارلمان اروپا بمناسبت <<روز های زنان افغان

اول فبروری ۲۰۲۲

موضوع : حقوق بنیادی مردم افغانستان منجمله حقوق اساسی و انسانی زنان که بیش از نصف جامعه افغانستان است 

قابل توجه:  

جلالتماب روبرتا متسولا رئیس  پارلمان اروپا 

کاپی: جلالتمآب جوزپ بورل فونتله نمایندهٔ ارشد اتحادیهٔ اروپا برای امور روابط خارجی و امنیت 

محترمه خانم روبرتا متسولا رئیس پارلمان اتحادیه اروپا 

نخست از همه انتخاب شما را در پُست ریاست پارلمان اتحادیهٔ اروپا به شما صمیمانه تبریک گفته و موفقیت تان را در این پُست مهم خواهانم. فدراسیون سازمانهای افغانهای مقیم اروپا پلاتفرم همکاری ده نهاد …

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Excellency, Mrs. Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament

To: His Excellency, Mrs. Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament

Subject: “Afghan Women’s Day”  

Dear Mrs. Roberta Metsola,

Federation of Afghan Resident Organizations in Europe (FAROE) is a platform of tens of social and cultural organizations of European Afghans. FAROE has been active in various European countries for more than 20 years, in areas like asylum rights and social and political participation of Afghans in the social live of Member States of European Union. The organization, at the same time, has taken a responsible look at the developments inside Afghanistan and tried to contribute in the process of building …

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Afghan Women’s Day

The Hague, 1st February 2022

To: His Excellency, Mr. Josep Borrell Fontellesthe High Representative of European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Twitter: @JosepBorellF

Subject: “Afghan Women’s Day”  

Dear Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles,

Federation of Afghan Resident Organizations in Europe (FAROE) is a platform of tens of social and cultural organizations of European Afghans. FAROE has been active in various European countries for more than 20 years, in areas like asylum rights and social and political participation of Afghans in the social live of Member States of European Union. The organization, at the same time, has taken a …

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