Drop in civilian casualties’ masks increased Taliban violence

Behind the Statistics: Drop in civilian casualties’ masks increased Taliban violence

This report draws on two data sets – UNAMA’s third quarterly report of 2020 on the harm suffered by civilians in the Afghan conflict and ACLED’s documenting of incidents of violence, (1) which have been collated and illustrated by data analyst, Roger Helms. The report is also part of ongoing work analysing the Afghan conflict since the United States and Taleban signed their agreement in the Qatari capital, Doha, on 29 February 2020. (2) 

On the face of it, the UNAMA’s Q3 report looks more hopeful than usual. It recorded …

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برنامه کنفرانس بیست سالگی فارو در 7 نومبر 2020

برنامه کنفرانس مروری بر تحولات اخیر و ضرورت اتحاد و همبستگی افغانهای مقیم اروپا

در بیست سالگی فارو

هفت نومبر 2020

برنامه  کنفرانس

گرداننده  : آقای علی دلیری وهمکار تخنیکی خانم میترا دلیری

شروع کنفرانس 14:00 –14:05 به وقت اروپا  با یک آهنگ میهنی

نمایش فیلم کوتاه : 14:05 – 14:10 مرور مختصر از بیست سال فعالیت فارو

بخش اول : سخنرانی ها

14:10 – 14:15  آفتتاحیه کنفرانس  : خانم لونا ولی  ریئس فارو   

   14:17 – 14:27  آقای دکتور ویس جلالزاده عضوهئیت مدیره فار:”پیام فارو برای ضرورت همبستگی افغانهای مقیم  اروپا”

  14:28 – 14:36  خانم انار کلی هنر …

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Covid-19 in Afghanistan and the aid response

In addition to its disastrous public health effects on Afghanistan, the Covid-19 pandemic is harming the country’s economy and has pushed more people into poverty. Covid is also creating a sizable hole in the national budget, diverting precious aid resources away from development and any possible ‘peace dividend’ and complicating rather than simplifying current political dynamics including around the peace process. Guest author Bill Byrd*, a senior expert at the US Institute of Peace expressing his own views, analyses the economic,

fiscal and political economy implications of the pandemic. 

  • Though reliable data are lacking, Covid-19 has been estimated to be
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